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THE WRINKLY CREEDGENERAL GUIDANCEWelcome to Outpost Wrinkly. You’re here to have fun sharing our appreciation of Doctor Who and many, many other marvellous things. A bit like a time-share on Gallifrey. Just try and avoid getting trapped in the Matrix and being chased by a man with a big hyperdermic needle. Shudder.Please feel free to say what you like; we only ask that you bear in mind the thoughts and feelings of your fellow posters. Try to address anyone as though talking face to face with them, as opposed to an anonymous entity in the internet. Think of it as more like sharing a sausage sandwich with Amelia Rumford in Rose Cottage than behaving like the Great Intelligence and covering people in web. If you have an issue with another user, contact Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart on Geneva 1212 or UNIT's Scientific Advisor (that's either a mod or an administrator), and let them handle it; do not take matters into your own hands in public.Forthright opinions are welcome, but please expect to be asked to justify them, and face debate from those who may disagree with you, as you might if you disagree with them. As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves. Please make any new members feel welcome and maybe take the time to say hello in the appropriate threads.In general, please be civil. This forum is provided for the Wrinkly community, and we hope everyone will be welcomed. We value the opportunity for fans of Doctor Who and other entertainment media to talk to each other, and ask that the site and all community members be respected. Thanks for joining! Collect your UNIT pass and have fun. Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is like repairing a watch with a hammer and chisel. One false move and you'll never know the time again. That’s why there are specific posting guidelines below which we request members adhere to when posting. Violations may result in account sanctions, including temporary and permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation. Staff and Forum Moderators exercise full discretion to determine whether or not a post is appropriate, and reserve the right to edit, delete, ban and/or take other action without warning against any content posted on this site. We also reserve the right to edit this Code of Conduct at any time.1. Please stay on topic. Try not to ramble on about UNIT dating in a thread about Spooks.2. No spamming or flaming please. You’ll end up reversing the polarity of the neutron flow.3. Please respect all members rights to their opinions and the safe, unharrassed use of this forum. The posting of spoilers is welcome in the appropriate threads but don't shoot people down if they can't divulge their sources. You're not playing out the interrogation scene in Day Of The Daleks.4. When expressing your opinion, please avoid character assassination of either forum members or members of the public (and that includes, y'know, the people who make the things we love), discuss the issues not the person. Calling someone a hamfisted bun vendor or Chop Suey, the Galactic Emperor because they don't appreciate your point of view isn't constructive.5. The decision of the Moderators is final. If you have a problem with any decisions made, send a private message or email to the Administrators. ‘You will obey me’, as Roger Delgado was often heard to say.6. Whilst fan projects are appreciated and encouraged, linking to copyrighted material is strictly prohibited. As is hotlinking because it's just bad manners. Copyrighted materials posted illegally or that are deemed offensive will be removed. So, much as we love them dearly, no nude pictures of Katie Manning or Dallas Adams, please.7. Outpost Wrinkly does operate a swear filter (jumping Jehosophat! you may say) on the forum and would be obliged if you didn't use profanities in the chat room. This is in line with the T&C's demanded of the forum owner.OUR MAXIMThis is an internet forum created so people can have fun while talking about subjects that interest them. Don't take it too seriously. If you're wondering whether something's appropriate to post, it probably isn't. Hobnobs are inalienable right of all members. And like Alice, we try to believe six impossible things before breakfast.